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>>> Thank you, Gordon

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Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon (PAP)

Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon (PAP)—defined as the collective realities of Physical Attractiveness (PA)—tends to be complex, powerful and pervasive, discomforting and seemingly unfair, and, despite different notions of physical attractiveness, transcends culture, time, and geography…not sparing anyone or anything, living and non-living:

What you look like—or, more importantly, how your looks are perceived (by others and by yourself)—shapes your life (and every person’s life) in dozens of subtle and not so subtle ways from cradle to grave.

This website (www.GordonPatzer.com) intends to offer information, insight, and dialogue for individuals motivated about the fascinating and often-sensitive topic of physical attractiveness in the world that we all live. Leading this effort, Gordon Patzer, Ph.D., has formally since 1973 focused continuously his research, analysis and publication on physical attractiveness phenomenon. Already in 2004 the American national television network news program DATELINE NBC broadcast that, “Dr. Patzer has spent more than 30 years studying physical attractiveness.”

Physical Attractiveness (PA)

Physical Attractiveness (PA)—defined as how pleasing someone or something looks—is an esthetic with its amount determined by tangible and intangible factors, objective and subjective. Despite the complexity of physical attractiveness, scientific research documents that:

•  Yes, beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but beholders mostly agree.

•  Yes, beauty may be skin deep, but its effects run far far deeper.

•  Yes, a long-standing cliché advocates not to judge a book by its cover, but people do judge books by their covers (as well as people by their appearances, especially by their physical attractiveness).

•  And, Yes, “appearance” or “looks” of a person communicates numerous dimensions: generally, gender, age, race, level of physical attractiveness, socio-economic status, health, and so forth. However, physical attractiveness—whether high, moderate, or low—dominates as the most impactful dimension of appearance.

Note about the English Language

The English language interchanges many words to reference physical attractiveness and its amount or level. In addition to the neutral words of “appearance” and “looks,” common daily language includes descriptors such as: good looks, hot, stunning, beautiful, pretty, handsome, cute, gorgeous, homely, pretty ugly, a face only a mother could love, etc. Comparable nouns include: “a 10” (on a ten-point scale), beauty, beauty queen, looker, hottie, hunk, head-turner, dog, etc. In contrast, formal scientific research frequently utilizes five-point continuums to reference, describe, or categorize. These continuums range from low or extremely low to high or extremely high physical attractiveness, from very physically unattractive to very physically attractive, and so on.

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2 thoughts on “Home

  1. margo temple

    Hi Dr. Gordon Patzer !!
    I’m a good friend of Yvonne’s and she was telling me about you and your books etc..last wk/ We both are members of the Institute for Continued Learning at Roosevelt.. I do a class called SOME MYSERIES OF THE WORLD and would like to connect with you regarding presenting to my class in the spring.. when are you on campus? I’d like to know more about your topics..
    thanks..margo temple..

  2. Jason Ostrem

    I wish people had more control over how attractive they were. Some people – they try to look their best, but it just isn’t good enough – are prisoners of the genes they inherit. I wish it were possible to buy the genes that make a person attractive. Is there any research in that area?


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