Gordon L. Patzer, Ph.D.
Gordon Patzer
Books Published
by Gordon Patzer
Gordon has authored 6 books pertinent to physical attractiveness phenomenon, with 4 directly focused on this topic and 2 focused on underlying science. His first book, The Physical Attractiveness Phenomena published by Plenum Publications (New York and London, 1985), has been very well received and widely reviewed within disciplines that include business, psychology, medicine, law, and education.
Additional publications include a chapter titled, "Physical Attractiveness and Child Development" in Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, as well as more than 25 articles published in peer-refereed journals or presented and published as proceedings for professional research conferences: Clinics in Dermatology, Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Hospital Marketing, Journal of Medical Group Management, etc.
Appearance Research Institute
Gordon L. Patzer, Ph.D., serves as the founding and operating director for the Appearance Research Institute for Research, Advocacy, and Assistance. The Appearance Research Institute carries the following three-part mission: To advance understanding about appearance, to increase awareness about appearance phenomenon, and to improve assistance for people disadvantaged by appearance phenomenon. Once fully established, the Appearance Research Institute (ARI) will be multi-disciplinary, global, cross-cultural, not-for-profit, and with diverse funding sources. It will emphasize scientific research, multiple forms of communication, and partnerships with not-for-profit and for-profit entities. See the Appearance Research Institute section discussed within this website for more full information about ARI that includes statements about its services, board of directors/council of overseers, vision, core values, strategies, functions, activities, and so forth.
Contemporary Psychology, Contemporary Sociology, Science, American Scientist, The Journal of Psychology, Journal of General Psychology, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, Physical Appearance and Gender: Sociobiological and Sociocultural Perspectives; Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology…to the…
Journal of Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Marketing Education, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Management, Medical Group Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics…to the…
Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, Clinics in Dermatology, The Cleft Palate Journal, and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery…to the...
Chronicle of Higher Education, Educational Research, Childhood Education, Advances in Clinical Child Psychology…to the…Harvard Law Review.
Recognitions and Citations by Other Researchers
Work published by Dr. Patzer concerning Appearance Phenomenon and Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon has been noted and reviewed in scholarly journal articles published in and outside the United States. His work is widely reviewed and formally referenced by hundreds of researchers and scholars in disciplines ranging from Journal of General Psychology to Harvard Law Review to Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research. More specific examples of these scholarly journals range from:
Additional Career Information
Gordon Patzer has succeeded in executive positions inside and outside of academia. Prior to accepting his dean’s position at Roosevelt University in Chicago, California State University honored his service while a dean with their lifetime title of Professor Emeritus. His university employments include twelve years as a university dean, ten years as a university department chair, and progress up professorial ranks to tenured professor, as well as earning a Ph.D., MBA, MS, and BA. Business employments for him have focused on marketing strategy for consumer behavior / audience behavior in primetime programming at CBS Television Network and in the movie industry at Saatchi & Saatchi. Earlier, as an entrepreneur, he started, owned, and operated two small businesses: a talent booking agency and an employment agency. Additional past work includes service as a founding member of the Board of Directors for Telemarketing Visions Institute, Inc., a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation to train blind, visually impaired, and physically disabled persons, for employment.
International Travels and Residences
Past residences and past travels (in addition to all 50 states of the United States), have included: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Macau, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Poland, Russia, San Salvador, Scotland, Switzerland, Thailand and Wales.
University Degrees, Earned
All the primary research requirements for Gordon’s four earned university degrees investigated appearance phenomenon with focus explicitly on physical attractiveness phenomeon: Ph.D. dissertation, M.S. thesis, M.B.A. “Plan B” project, and B.A. senior project.
Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
M.B.A. (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
M.S. in Psychology (Pittsburg State University, KS)
B.A. in Psychology (Minnesota State University Moorhead)
Gordon Patzer, Ph.D., - researcher, writer, and speaker for 30 years about the power and perplexity of physical attractiveness - provides facts and knowledge, analyses and insights, and commentary.
His publications include six related books, during which time he has since made presentations literally around the world about the appearance phenomenon and the physical attractiveness phenomenon, given interviews for television, radio, newspapers, and magazines ranging from local small media to national and international media, been recognized by professional peer researchers and scholars, and consulted with corporations about related business strategies with national (United States) and international implications.
Latest & more info, please see:
Gordon L. Patzer, Ph.D.
. . . Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon
Researcher • Writer • Speaker
Recognized • Respected • Insightful
Mass Media Recognitions and Citations
beyond Academia
Interviews with Dr. Patzer discussing physical attractiveness phenomenon have been reported by the Associated Press, published by newspapers from west coast USA (Los Angeles Times) to east coast USA (The Washington Post, Crain's New York Business, Boston Sunday Herald) to England (Sunday Correspondent, London), national business speciality magazines such as Investment News, national and international (Harper's Bazaar, ELLE, Working Woman, Self Magazine, Cosmpolitan Magazine, and Los Angeles Times Magazine), on radio in large and small American markets, and on the Internet (WebMD, MSNBC, CNN.com, and blogs internationally).
National primetime news television, Dateline NBC, has featured his expert analysis and commentary on-camera for a half-hour segment investigating physical attractiveness phenomenon. National morning talk-and-news television, The Today Show on NBC, has featured him on-camera discussing employment and pay differences caused by physical attractiveness. Other national media broadcasts featuring his expertise include the syndicated radio program hosted by Bill O’Reilly, The O’Reilly Factor.

Miscellaneous Publications
with Gordon Patzer author byline
"Correlates of Patients' Satisfaction with Cosmetic Surgery Outcome" -- (6 pages, co-author poster session without conference proceedings) -- published/presented at American Psychological Society, Annual Convention
"Research Claims that Beauty is Wallet-Deep" -- (1 page, sole author) -- published in Marketing News
" 'Beauty' author rebuts critic" -- (commentary letter to the editor) (1 page, sole author) -- published in Marketing News
"Research Claims that Beauty is Wallet-Deep" -- (1 page, sole author) -- published in Collegiate Edition Marketing News
" 'Beauty' author rebuts critic" -- (commentary letter to the editor) (1 page, sole author) -- published in Collegiate Edition Marketing News
“Good looks academic to success" /// "Gordon Patzer's appearance phenomenon research, presentations, and proposed institute…" -- (feature article by columnist Andy McCue, Daily newspaper, Business section) -- published in The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, California)
"The Right Stuff: Marketing Research in the Movie Industry" -- (monthly magazine regarding the Los Angeles advertising industry) (1 page, sole author) -- published in Ad L.A.
"Marketing the Movie Industry: Marketing research and positioning makes movies a big export business" -- (1 page, sole author) -- published in Northern Iowa Today: The University of Northern Iowa Magazine
"Consumer Behavior Syllabus" -- (7 pages, sole author) -- published in Business Administration Reading Lists and Course Outlines
“Tips for Success” -- (article about executive leadership, approaches, and practices, Daily newspaper: Sunday edition, Business section) (1 page-column, sole author) -- published in San Bernardino County Sun
“Educational institutions play significant role" -- (lengthy feature article, daily newspaper: Sunday edition, Business section) (1 page, sole author) -- published in San Bernardino County Sun
“Plunging economy presents opportunity” -- (lengthy article about economy and economic forecast, Daily newspaper, Business section) (1/2 newspaper page, sole author) -- published in Modesto Bee
“The Window Is Open: Mid-Year Economic Report” -- (monthly magazine, Metro section) (3 pages, sole author) -- published in Inland Empire Magazine
“Don't just weather the storm-capitalize on it!” -- (lengthy feature article about economy and economic forecast, Daily newspaper: Sunday edition, Business Section) (1/2 newspaper page, sole author) -- published in San Bernardino County Sun
This book can be previewed at the respective website page of the publisher, Brown Walker Press, by (1) going to the general website page of the publisher, which is www.brownwalker.com, (2) typing in my last name, “Patzer”, in the search-by-author space and clicking the find-book menu item, (3) which takes you to a small icon of the book cover along with a very brief summary/introduction, (4) clicking on that book cover icon takes you to a website section presenting a synopsis of the book, the book’s contents, endorsement review comments/What the Experts are Saying, brief author information and order information.
In addition to direct purchase from the publisher as stated above, this book can can be purchased from most any major bookstore (such as Borders, Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, etc.) or online through such Internet companies as Barnes & Noble.com (www.bn.com) or Amazon.com (www.amazon.com). Although the precise URL might change for this book, the current direct link for this specific www.Amazon.com page is: http://www.amazon.com/Power-Paradox-Physical-Attractiveness/dp/1581124430
(Note: At the www.amazon.com link/page above, that bookseller tends also to offer this 2006 book in a reduced package price with the 2008 book above.)
Power and Paradox of Physical Attractiveness, 332 pages,
Brown Walker Press, FL, 2006.
ISBN: 1-58112-443-0
Experiment Methodology in Marketing Research: Types and Applications, 216 pages, Quorum Books, CT, 1996.
ISBN: 0-89930-960-7
This professional book published by Quorum Books (an Imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.) can be previewed at the respective website page of the publisher, Greenwood Press, by (1) going to the general website page of the publisher, which is www.greenwood.com, (2) typing in my last name, “Patzer,” in the quick-search space and clicking go, which takes you to a the book title, (3) clicking on that book title takes you to a website section presenting a description of the book, the book’s contents, review of book and order information.
Using Secondary Data in Marketing Research: United States and Worldwide, 184 pages, Quorum Books, CT 1995.
ISBN: 0-89930-961-5
This professional book published by Quorum Books (an Imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.) can be previewed at the respective website page of the publisher, Greenwood Press, by (1) going to the general website page of the publisher, which is www.greenwood.com, (2) typing in my last name, “Patzer,” in the quick-search space and clicking go, which takes you to a the book title, (3) clicking on that book title takes you to a website section presenting a description of the book, the book’s contents, review of book and order information.
The Physical Attractiveness Phenomena, 308 pages, Plenum Press, NY, 1985.
ISBN: 0-306-41783-9
This scholarly book has been widely reviewed and cited in diverse disciplines. It is now out of print and out of stock from the publisher, Plenum Press, but it is still sold on the Internet from various sources. Additional information that includes a synopsis of the book, the book’s table of contents, endorsement review comments, and order information can be obtained directly from the author at the following e-mail address: gordon@gordonpatzer.com.
Why Physically Attractive People Are More Successful: The Scientific Explanation, Social Consequences and Ethical Problems, 608 pages,
Edwin Mellen Press, NY, 2007.
(distributed to research libraries in USA and more than 60 countries)
ISBN-13: 978-0-7734-5690-7
ISBN-10: 0-7734-5690-2
This scholarly book can be previewed at the respective website page of the publisher, The Edwin Mellen Press, by (1) going to the general website page of the publisher, which is www.mellenpress.com, (2) clicking the “Mellen Authors” menu button, (3) clicking the letter “P” for my last name, Patzer, (4) locating my full last name, “Patzer”, and clicking it, (5) which takes you to a brief website section “About Gordon L. Patzer,” at which point you can click the book title that then takes you to a website section presenting a summary description of the book, the book’s contents, reviews of the book and order information.
Looks: Why They Matter More Than You Ever Imagined, 288 pages,
AMACOM Books, NY, 2008.
(publishing division of the American Management Association)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8144-8054-0
ISBN-10: 0-8144-8054-3
This great-selling, mass-market book published in 2008 can be previewed at the respective website page of the publisher, AMACOM Books at www.amacombooks.org.
The publisher does not sell books directly to individuals and this book can be purchased from most any major bookstore (such as Borders, Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, etc.) or online through such Internet companies as Barnes & Noble.com (www.bn.com) or Amazon.com (www.amazon.com). Although the precise URL page-link might change for this book, the current direct link for this specific www.Amazon.com page is: http://www.amazon.com/Looks-They-Matter-More-Imagined/dp/0814480543
(Note: At the www.amazon.com link/page above, that bookseller tends also to offer this 2008 book in a reduced package price with the 2006 book below.)
Articles Published in Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journals
with Gordon Patzer author byline
"Psychologic and Sociologic Dimensions of Hair: An Aspect of The Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon" -- (9 pages, sole author) -- published in Clinics in Dermatology (special edition titled, Androgenetic Alopecia: From Empiricism to Knowledge)
"Source Credibility as a Function of Communicator Physical Attractiveness" -- (13 pages, sole author) -- published in Journal of Business Research
"Improving Self-Esteem by Improving Physical Attractiveness" -- (3 pages, sole author) -- published in Journal of Esthetic Dentistry
"Understanding the Causal Relationship Between Physical Attractiveness and Self-Esteem" -- (4 pages, sole author) -- published in Journal of Esthetic Dentistry
"Self-Esteem and Physical Attractiveness" -- (4 pages, sole author) -- published in Journal of Esthetic Dentistry
"Measurement of Physical Attractiveness: Truth-of-Consensus" -- (4 pages, sole author) -- published in Journal of Esthetic Dentistry
"Reality of Physical Attractiveness" -- (6 pages, sole author) -- published in Journal of Esthetic Dentistry
"A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Ethical Values of Consumers: The Potential Effect of War and Civil Disruption" -- (14 pages, co-author) -- published in Journal of Business Ethics
"Consumer Ethics in Cross Cultural Settings: Entrepreneurial Implications" -- (17 pages, co-author) -- published in European Journal of Marketing
"Marketing the Mental Health Hospital: Identification of Communication Factors" -- (24 pages, co-author) -- published in Journal of Hospital Marketing
"Uncontrollable Variables in Marketing the Medical Practice" -- (3 pages, sole author) -- published in Medical Group Management: Journal of the Medical Group Management Association
"Affirmative Action vs. Client Wishes" -- (4 pages, sole author) -- published in Arthur Anderson & Co. Business Ethics Program: Cases with Teaching Notes
"Another Type of Discrimination" -- (5 pages, sole author) -- published in Arthur Anderson & Co. Business Ethics Program: Cases with Teaching Notes
"Falsification of Data" -- (4 pages, sole author) -- published in Arthur Anderson & Co. Business Ethics Program: Cases with Teaching Notes
"Multiple Dimensions of Performance for 30-Second and 15-Second Television Commercials" -- (8 pages, sole author) -- published in Journal of Advertising Research
"Establishing Cross-Disciplinary Marketing Education" -- (6 pages, co-author) -- published in Journal of Marketing Education
"Domestic Demand is Ample, But Skoda Seeks Exports" and "Czech Carmaker is Overhauling Its Dated Product Line" -- (2 pages, sole author) -- published in Ward's Automotive International: The Journal of the Global Industry (These two interrelated articles comprise the Sales & Marketing section in this issue.)
"An Application of the Sociometric Method in Business" -- (5 pages, sole author) -- published in Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior
Articles Presented at Professional Peer-Reviwed Research Conferences
and Published in the Conferences' Proccedings
with Gordon Patzer author byline
"Ethics of Marketing Strategy that Exploits and Promulgates The Physical Attractiveness Phenomena" -- (5 pages, sole author) -- published in American Marketing Association: Educators' Winter Conference Proceedings
"Use of The Physical Attractiveness Phenomena in Political Campaigns: A Marketing Strategy and A Social Responsibility" -- (6 pages, sole author) -- published in American Marketing Association: Educators' Winter Conference Proceedings
"Product Perception as a Function of Communicator Sex" -- (4 pages, sole author) -- published in American Marketing Association: Educators' Summer Conference Proceedings
"An Experiment Investigating the Influence of Communicator Physical Attractiveness on Attitudes" -- (5 pages, sole author) -- published in American Marketing Association: Educators' Summer Conference Proceedings
"The Effectiveness of Female Nudity in Advertising" -- (this scholarly article/paper received special recognition for reviewers' number one ranking) (2 pages, sole author) -- published in Western Marketing Educators' Association: Conference Proceedings
"A Comparison of Advertisement Effects: Sexy Female Communicator versus Non-Sexy Female Communicator" -- (6 pages, sole author) -- published in Advances in Consumer Research: Association for Consumer Research, Conference Proceedings
"Business Education: Bridging the Ethics Gap Between University Classroom and Corporate Boardroom" -- (8 pages, co-author) -- published in International Business Practices: Contemporary Readings (Academy of Business Administration International Conference Proceedings, (London, England)
"Effects of Odd-Even Pricing and Price Level on Judgments of Bargain and Quality" -- (8 pages, sole author) -- published in Academy of Business Administration International Conference Proceedings (London, England)
"Ethics: An Integral Aspect of All Business Disciplines" -- (5 pages, co-author) -- published in Midwest Society for Case Research: Conference Proceedings
"Advertising Research: Theoretical Models, Mechanical Aids, and General Principles" -- (4 pages, sole author) -- published in Southwestern Marketing Association: Conference Proceedings
Websites (family of 5) maintained by Gordon Patzer
concerning Physical Attractiveness Phenomenon
Gordon Patzer: www.GordonPatzer.com
Looks Rule: www.LooksRule.com
Appearance Research Institute: www.AppearanceResearchInstitute.com
Looks Info: www.LooksInfo.com
Looks Matter: www.LooksMatter.org
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